Hi, I’m Rachael

I’m a mama x 3, former preschool teacher, certified parenting coach, and determined as hell to create a parenting legacy within my family lineage that will echo for generations. The best part, I can get you there for your family too!

You’re here because…

  • parenthood is NOT going how you thought that it would

  • You never imagined you’d be someone laying in bed at night, regretful of how you interacted with your children. 

  • You love your kids. Fiercely. So why does it feel so hard to “get it right?” 

  • You try to teach and discipline your children but misbehavior happens over and over.  In some ways you feel like you’re failing

  • You want things to feel different but you don’t know how to make it happen. You desperately need more cooperation and ease. 

Parenting doesn’t have to be this way.

You don’t have to struggle any longer. But I get it, because 5 years ago, I was where you are.

You want to have more ease and cooperation in your home. You want to build a relationship with your children that can weather any storm. You want to KNOW that you are showing up so beautifully as a parent that you radiate confidence.

Hi there, I’m Rachael

It’s my life’s purpose to be a phenomenal parent and to help you be phenomenal too.

I’m a top Chicago-based parenting coach. I work with parents who feel defeated and I give them the tools and parenting strategies to fall in LOVE with parenthood. In 90 days or less, you’ll feel total confidence in your parenting.

This will not only change your life and your child’s life, but you will create a legacy for your family lineage that will echo for generations.

Here is my story

As a child, I earned the label of “sensitive.” And because it was impossible for the adults around me to resist labels, more were doled out - skinny, smart, type-A, worrier, perfectionist, straight-arrow, good kid. These labels and the stories told about me became my inner dialogue. In some ways they were beneficial, in other ways they were a burden. It would be decades before I learned that none of those things truly defined me.

After nearly 30 years of living within those definitions, I birthed my first child. And in that year that followed, the ways that I came to rely on adapting to the world around me would no longer serve me. Instead, it would destroy me. Eight months post-partum, 20 lbs. underweight, and with a newfound obsessive compulsion around noise and light, I found myself sitting in a doctors office with a diagnosis of postpartum depression and anxiety.

With therapy, a support network, and medication, I climbed out.

I was ready to live differently. And I was ready to invest in my parenthood so that I could be exactly the kind of parent I had always imagined. Not because that would define my life, but because it would define my daughter’s. After years of education, training, and some real-life mom-ing of three young children, I knew I could help others achieve what I had- complete and total confidence in parenthood.

A different path

I used to look at the things that were tough about parenting as individualized, specific problems that needed solutions.

I now know that approaching parenthood that way is exhausting! And most importantly, not really effective.

Instead of viewing my child’s behaviors as either worthy of praise or reprimand, I look at it with curiosity. I know intuitively how to respond in tough moments. I give myself grace when I mess up. I know how to repair with my children - and in turn, they engage in repair themselves (totally unprompted!). I am so proud of myself at the end of each day. I have complete faith in the sturdy relationship I have with my kids.

I don’t “wing it” - I’m intentional with my parenting because it’s what my children deserve.

And it’s what your children deserve.

Fun facts about me…

  • I have a twin sister and she’s my best friend.

  • I met my husband while studying abroad in Australia - he’s from Michigan :).

  • I love being in the gym - Orangetheory Fitness is my happy place!

  • I am not a night person or a morning person - let your girl sleep!

  • I’m a Cancer sign.

  • I wear SPF 50 every single day of the year - even in a rain storm.

Professional Bio

As a Teach For America corps member, Rachael served as a lead teacher in a Head Start preschool classroom. She pursued her masters in early childhood education and gained invaluable, practical coaching and professional development in pedagogy and child development.

After leading in the classroom, Rachael accepted a position with Teach For America's Chicago regional team. For the next 12 years, she would work in various roles within the national education non-profit organization.

In 2015 Rachael welcomed her first child. Two more would follow in 2018 and 2020. Of course the various stages of baby-life were uniquely challenging. But it wasn't until having all three children reach ages where their individual personalities and needs required specific attention and care that Rachael realized, "this is the work." The work of raising humans is some serious business.

Rachael participated in a training and certification program with the Jai Institute of Transformational Parenting and then established Parenting on Mars.